Our First Year of Marriage

Let's take a quicksy look back!

The first day we met (in person) we knew there was no way we could be without each other. It would be a tough long distance relationship from California to Japan but it was worth it!

When Daniel moved from Japan to Arizona it wasn't easy at first. He took long 3 hour drives just to visit me almost every weekend before I could move in with him. That drive is harsh but we were just happy we weren't a whole ocean apart anymore!

We never wanted to be apart ever again so we got married! Here's us happy goobs at our wedding shower.

Good things come to those who wait! I finally graduated school and moved into our little apartment. This is our first place to call OUR home.

Our first pet! A ferret we named Sosuke. We only had him for a short period of time because a month after we got married I found out I was pregnant and wanted nothing to do with the furry fella. Don't ask what happened to him... R.I.P. Sosuke the Ferret.


Aaah here's a picture from the day Daniel bought that STUPID floppy hat.

He even goes swimming with the hat. Damn that hat. Anyway...

Here's to the good times!

And the bad times too. Boy that day was miserable. This is what our feet looked like after walking in the hot Yuma heat for what felt like days but was only a couple of hours.

Embarrassing drunken nights!

Why Daniel wanted to document my first pap smear is beyond me but here I am getting ready for it...
Oh Hastings. Probably the only good thing about Yuma. Almost every day is a movie night.
Or a game night. Obviously Daniel won... and picked my name.

Here's us at Disneyland.

Getting in some daddy practice before our own lil' munchkin arrives.

Florida trip!

We listened to this whole audio book. It's pretty informative actually.

There's nothing to do here where we live so if we want to do anything fun it's a long drive away.

She's finally here!

Her first bath we gave her together. Team work!

Such an amazing daddy.

And finally our trip to the zoo just last weekend. Look how far we've come! I can't wait for more fun times to come! I love our little family.
The End.

Week 36

You know how you always hear horror stories about those crazy pregnancy hormones? Well I haven’t really experienced any of that… up until now. I’m out of control. I woke up this morning and I just felt like crying. So I cried. Then I got over it and ate some breakfast, but after breakfast I cried some more. The truth is I just feel ugly! Inside and out. I look in the mirror and I see is saggy stretch marked boobs, a floppy EXTREMELY stretched marked behind, nasty thighs with cellulite, gross damaged hair, icky acne scare face … oh my, the list goes on. I think to myself, “How could Daniel stand me?” and I weep. And no matter how many people tell me I have a wonderful “pregnancy glow” I just feel the same way. There’s my pregnancy update. Oof

We owe Aunty Laura & Uncle Gordon a HUGE thanks for kicking our butts and helping us get started with the whole having a baby thing. Here's us doing our first load of Amélie's laundry!

35 Weeks Pregnant!

I'm so ready to get this show on the road! It's really hard to breathe and I'm always so sleepy! Other than that nothing new to report. I'll be here at home sleeping, eating, and blasting the air conditioner 'til further notice.

My baby registries:

(*Last Name: Malta)

Our family was totally amazed at how we managed to get 34 weeks into the pregnancy and gather up absolutely NOTHING for our lil’ cookie. So we finally started “nesting”. Aren’t we cuuuute.

33 Weeks Pregnant

Why does everyone say that pregnancy is 9 months when it’s really 10?! Well, anywho week 33 is coming to an end and I’m constantly getting asked 2 questions. First one is “How’s the baby doing?” Um I really don’t know how she’s doing!! She kicks me and her heart is beating so we know she’s alive. But if I were her I’d be feeling a little cramped up and bored. Maybe she’s content in there, I don’t know. She doesn’t really tell me anything. I’m also always getting asked about how I’m feeling. I’m always tired, my back is killing me, my lady part is in constant pain, I pee nearly 70 times a day, and the baby is always ALWAYS kicking me in the right side of my ribs. It hurts! I’m feeling like I’m 80 years old or something! Some women loooove being pregnant and just looooove the idea of having a baby growing inside of them. Not me. I can’t wait to get her out. I want my body back too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m already in love with my lil’ baking cookie and can’t wait to be a mommy! I just want my body to feel normal again.

I love my husband so much. He makes my heart melt pretty much every day